Match products against a competitor


Making sure you have the right product assortment is imperative to be competitive in the e-commerce space. It's important to check how your assortment compares to a competing store. Datafiniti has a few options available to help you with this.

Matching existing assortment data with the Search API

Let's say you have an existing product data file that looks like this:

Product Name, Brand Name, Model Number
Bose X1 Soundbar, Bose, X1
Klipsh New Gen Speakers, Klipsh, NG-1423
Logitech Cordless Soundbar, Logitech, LG1H124

You can search for each of these products on a one-by-one basis using Datafiniti's search API. Here's how one of these searches would look:

  "query": "brand:Bose AND manufacturerNumber:\"856990-0110\""

Datafiniti will return any matching records. Included in this information will be the domains and sourceURLs for each product. This data will look like:

  "domains": [
  "sourceURLs": [

With this information, you know which domains are selling this product.

Finding the most recent pricing data

Now that you can find the brand / model of a product, know you may want to know where the latest price is. By using the following field, we can find the where the latest price of the product comes from:

  • mostRecentPriceAmount
  • mostRecentPriceAvailability
  • mostRecentPriceByDomain
  • mostRecentPriceCurrency
  • mostRecentPriceDate
  • mostRecentPriceIsSale

Let look at the record to find the most recent data fields:

            "mostRecentPriceAmount": 45.99,
            "mostRecentPriceNonSalesAmount": 45.99,
            "mostRecentPriceAvailability": "true",
            "mostRecentPriceCurrency": "USD",
            "mostRecentPriceColor": "Bose Black",
            "mostRecentPriceIsSale": "false",
            "mostRecentPriceDomain": "",
            "mostRecentPriceSourceURL": "",
            "mostRecentPriceDate": "2023-12-05T16:31:29.398Z",
            "mostRecentPriceFirstDateSeen": "2023-10-27T07:22:34.425Z"

Now let's refine our search for any product under $45.

  "query": "brand:Bose AND mostRecentPriceAmount:<=45",

Using the Enrichment API

You can also use Datafiniti's Enrichment API to pass in an entire file to enrich. For more information on how to do this, refer to the Enrichment API documentation.

Downloading a competing domain's entire product assortment

If you don't have an existing product data file, you can also just use Datafiniti to download the entire product assortment for a given e-commerce store.

Here's an example of that:

  "query": "",
  "download": true,
  "format": "CSV"

This will download every product for into a CSV file. You can also download in JSON format.

Example files

Here are example bulk download files of our previous query:


With the knowledge of how to pull records from specific domains, you can compare the pricing of your or similar from a competing store/website.