People Field Type Breakdown

TypeSearch & Database Handling
booleanField is representation of true or false. Queries only respond to true or false.
dateField is stored as a date in a specific format. Queries must be performed in range format [value1 TO value2].
domainField's format is broken up into various combinations of domains and subdomains, in lowercase. Queries are performed as-is.
float or doubleField is a number representation with decimals. Queries can only be on specific number values.
geo_shapeField is represented as geo location. Queries are performed in geo formatting.
integerField is a whole number representation. Queries can only be on specific number values.
keywordField is preserved as-is. Queries are handled in the same way. Queries are case-sensitive.
nestedField is an array of nested objects. Queries can only be done for existence or on nested fields which correspond to their respected type.
taxonomyField is broken into values separated > and stored as lowercase. Queries are NOT case-sensitive and are broken into unique important words unless otherwise specified.
textField is broken up into unique important words. Unless specified otherwise, queries are handled in the same way. Queries are NOT case-sensitive
url [deprecated]Field is saved as an entire URL and also broken into domain and subdomain. Queries are NOT case-sensitive and is preserved as-is.